Suggested Staff to Guest Ratio

Any service is primarily a question of mathematics.  A proper ratio of staff to the number of customers is essential.  Nothing is more frustrating than trying to work them out, queuing for a drink or wait long time to finally sit down at a table, wondering when we can really eat. Lack of adequate staff is very obvious to the guests and can undo all your careful planning.

Say farewell to party headaches and call Garçon S.V.P. to save the day!

Cocktails - Buffet   Wait staff member for every 8-15 guests
Scullery (runner) for every 100 guests.
Drinks only   Barman/barmaid for every 30 guests
Wait staff member for every 10-15 persons
Seated Meal   Maître d’hôtel for every 60-100 guests
Captain for every 60-100 guests
Wait staff member for every 8-12 persons
Scullery (runner) for every 100 guests.

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