Our professional attire that is available at Garçon S.V.P.

Our staff arrives carrying cleaned, pressed and polished uniforms. Whenever possible it is suggested that our staff changes on-site, ensuring a crisp appearance for your event. Well groomed (for women’s hair is always neat), fleshly washed with a minimum of jewelry.

Black & Black   Black slacks and a black shirt, black tie, black bow tie, black vest with the logo Garçon S.V.P. and/or jacket (optional).
Black & White   Black slacks and a white shirt (or tuxedo shirt), black tie, black bow tie, black vest with the logo Garçon S.V.P. and/or jacket (optional).
Tuxedo   Black slacks and a white shirt, tuxedo style with black bow tie.
Garçon S.V.P.'s Vest   Either with a black or white shirt can be worn with our vest (with Garçon S.V.P.'s logo).

Click here to view overall vest overview (popup window)

Click here to view logo close-up on the vest (popup window)

Black socks, belt and dress shoes are worn with all uniforms.

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